Student Chapters

Pakistan Society of Industrial Engineers (PSIE) believes in collaboration and forming a networking of Industrial Engineering professionals in Pakistan. We are committed to create a platform for benefit of profession. Whether you are someone from the industry right now working in a company or a student who has just opted to study Industrial Engineering PSIE is a choice for you where you will be able to share knowledge and get it from your peers and other professionals.

PSIE is forming a network with Universities of Pakistan offering Industrial Engineering program. If your university has an Industrial Engineering program then you can also start a PSIE Student Chapter in your university.



PSIE Student Chapters (Currently Active)

1. University of Management and Technology (UMT) – PSIE Student Chapter
2. University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar (UET-Peshawar) – PSIE Student Chapter
3. Mehran University of Engineering & Technology (MUET-Jamshoru) – PSIE Student Chapter


If you have an industrial engineering program running in our university and you would like to have our student branch please consider the following steps.

Student Branch Charter Process:

  1.   Prepare an Excel sheet of willing members
  2.   Prepare an Excel sheet of your officers namely Chapter Adviser, President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer
  3.   Form a Constitution & Bylaws of your branch in a Microsoft word file
  4.   Get an endorsement letter from your Head of Department
  5.   Write a letter requesting for a chapter charter