Pakistan Society of Industrial Engineers (PSIE) believes in collaboration and forming a networking of Industrial Engineering professionals in Pakistan. We are committed to create a platform for benefit of profession. Whether you are someone from the industry right now working in a company or a student who has just opted to study Industrial Engineering PSIE is a choice for you where you will be able to share knowledge and get it from your peers and other professionals.
PSIE is forming a network with Universities of Pakistan offering Industrial Engineering program. If your university has an Industrial Engineering program then you can also start a PSIE Student Chapter in your university.

PSIE Student Chapters (Currently Active)
2. University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar (UET-Peshawar) – PSIE Student Chapter
3. Mehran University of Engineering & Technology (MUET-Jamshoru) – PSIE Student Chapter
Student Branch Charter Process:
- Prepare an Excel sheet of willing members
- Prepare an Excel sheet of your officers namely Chapter Adviser, President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer
- Form a Constitution & Bylaws of your branch in a Microsoft word file
- Get an endorsement letter from your Head of Department
- Write a letter requesting for a chapter charter